Promoting the renovation of buildings in the Visegrad countries through the Renovation Wave and REPower EU initiatives

V4 épületfelújítás

The policy paper below sets out proposals on how the Visegrad Group (V4) countries can effectively implement the relevant EU standards and regulations to increase the quantity and quality of renovations.

The recommendations have been developed by experts from the “Buildings for the Visegrad Future” project consortium, and a wide range of stakeholders have been consulted, drawing on market experience and a wide range of expertise and approaches.

The construction sector accounts for around 40% of final energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the European Union. It has significant potential to reap the multiple benefits of energy efficiency: promoting energy security, reducing energy poverty, reducing climate change, promoting economic development and creating jobs. To illustrate: full insulation of apartment buildings and detached houses would reduce natural gas consumption by 53% and thus final energy consumption for heating by 49% in Slovakia.

In the Visegrad Group (V4) countries, two thirds of detached houses have not yet undergone major renovation. In the Czech Republic, only 1.4% of detached houses are renovated each year, while in Hungary the rate of deep renovations remains below 1%. In Poland, coal is the main heating fuel in 70% of detached houses, while in Slovakia 60.3% of detached houses are heated with gas.

Read the full study here in Hungarian:

Az épületek felújításának ösztönzése a visegrádi országokban a Felújítási Hullám és a REPowerEU kezdeményezésekkel

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