Review, evaluation and policy proposals for existing domestic energy efficiency support schemes

In 2020, MEHI carried out two closely related studies commissioned by Habitat for Humanity Hungary to improve the effectiveness of domestic energy subsidies. The two studies explored how a successful subsidy scheme can be developed in Hungary that can most effectively support the energy renewal of residential building stock. The studies are now publicly available.

1. Review of the energy efficiency support programmes implemented and proposals for the next planning period

The first study provides a detailed overview and evaluation of the residential support schemes in Hungary for the financing period 2007-2020. For each of the programmes, e.g. Panel Programme, CSOK, Housing Savings Fund, Home Warmth sub-programmes, GINOP, VEKOP, it details their effectiveness, both on the basis of objective indicators and interviews with industry stakeholders, and also details the barriers to implementation in practice. Based on these lessons, the paper sets out some principles and suggestions for rethinking support schemes.

Overview of the implemented energy efficiency support schemes and proposals for the next planning period (Overview and evaluation of support schemes) download

1. A megvalósult energiahatékonysági támogatási programok áttekintése és javaslatok a következő tervezési időszakra

Az első tanulmány részletesen áttekinti és értékeli a Magyarországon 2007 és 2020 közötti finanszírozási időszak lakosságot érintő támogatási programjait. Az egyes programok – pl. panelprogram, CSOK, lakástakarék pénztár, Otthon Melege alprogramok, GINOP, VEKOP – esetében részletesen bemutatja azok eredményességét mind objektív mérőszámok, mind az iparági szereplőkkel készült interjúk alapján, részletesen bemutatva a gyakorlati megvalósítás akadályait is. Az anyag mindezen tanulságok alapján néhány alapelvet, javaslatot fogalmaz meg a támogatási rendszerek újragondolására.

Study in Hungarian: Overview of the implemented energy efficiency support schemes and proposals for the next planning period (Overview and evaluation of support schemes) download

2. Proposals for the Hungarian residential building stock energy efficiency renovation in the building stock of the Hungarian housing stock

According to the National Energy Strategy 2030:

“The majority of families do not have enough savings to undertake building renovation on their own. (…) The low renewal rate of the building stock limits the improvement of the energy efficiency of residential buildings. Without deep renovation, energy-efficient renewal of the domestic housing stock in the next decade is unrealistic.”

Hungary needs to introduce a comprehensive energy efficiency building renovation programme.
In this study, MEHI makes recommendations to policy makers which includes financing, technical assistance, awareness raising and training of professionals.

Recommendations for the Hungarian residential building stock strategic approach to energy renovation in the housing stock of the European housing sector (policy proposals) download

Study in Hungarian: Recommendations for the Hungarian residential building stock strategic approach to energy renovation in the housing stock of the European housing sector (policy proposals) download

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