According to the facilitation of Government Decree No 671/2021 (XII. 2) on the different application of Act LVII of 2015 on energy efficiency during an emergency, the energy saving obligations for 2021 can be met until 31 December 2022. To this end, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) will ensure the reporting of savings from investments completed in 2021 after 31 March 2022 by keeping the form for recording energy savings in 2021 open, and will ensure that the 2021 obligation can be met by investments completed in 2022.
As a further facilitation, MEKH has amended its regulation on the installation of sub-meters by economic operators who are obliged to use an energy adviser. Under the amendment, MEKH has postponed the entry into force of the rule requiring the installation of sub-meters by one year to 1 January 2023.
Source: MEKH