Between 2021 and 2027, Hungary will receive around €42.5 billion (more than HUF 15 billion) in EU funding. The Hungarian Government invites professional organisations and citizens to a public consultation on the EU’s development plan for 2021-2027. The aim of the social consultation is to allow professional organisations to get acquainted with the basic documents of the development period, the Partnership Agreement and the Operational Programmes, and to make their comments and suggestions.
Recovery and Resilience Fund
The European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRF) aims to support Member States in mitigating the economic shock of the COVID crisis and increasing the resilience of their economies. National Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) play an important role in ensuring that EU financial support is focused on achieving the EU’s overarching common objectives of cohesion, sustainability and digitalisation and is properly coordinated with other forms of EU and national support. The Recovery and Resilience Fund will provide the opportunity for Member States to mitigate the consequences of the coronavirus epidemic and get back on track for growth. The EU instrument is mainly aimed at accelerating public investment and reforms. In line with this, Hungary has prepared a Recovery and Resilience Plan, which responds to the economic and social impact of the epidemic and promotes a green and digital transition. The plan consists of 9 components and the estimated resources needed to finance the programme are HUF 5760 billion. The programme’s budget focuses on the green transition, with several components including energy efficiency and sustainability elements (green energy transition, circular economy, sustainable green transport, catching-up settlements). To comment on the plan and make suggestions, please visit the following page. The final version must be submitted by the Government to the European Commission for approval by the end of April 2021.
Green Infrastructure and Climate Operational Programme
Under the EU’s seven-year budget, Hungary will receive €34.5 billion in EU funding between 2021-27 (to be spent until 2029 or 2030).The contract is set out in the Partnership Agreement, while the content and financing plans are set out in the Operational Programmes (OPs). The 7 new draft Operational Programmes are available for consultation and comment here. Their final versions must be submitted to the European Commission for approval by the end of May 2021.
Isolated, technical responses to global challenges such as climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss and overexploitation of natural resources are becoming increasingly difficult. The Green Infrastructure and Climate Operational Programme (ZIKOP) is a continuation of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (KEHOP) and aims to contribute to achieving a climate-neutral economy and addressing these challenges on the ground. The ZIKOP will be extended with several new thematic areas, such as the circular economy, water loss reduction, green and blue infrastructure, local energy communities or the so-called just transition. Details of the programme and how to comment are available on the following page.
Separate comments can be submitted for each specific ZIKOP call, which will be posted in turn on the Government website.
Let’s take this opportunity to give the Government our professional opinion on EU funding!